如何评价 IOI 2024 中国队两名选手DAY2分数减半,一名DAY2分数取消?

2024-09-06 15:26

引用 Rewinding 的原文:

This year, l heard it was the leader's first time serving as an onsiteleader. In Chinese national contests, participants typically turn offtheir phones, place them in their bags, and leave the bags by thewall in the contest room. Without closely reviewing the rules, theleader assumed the procedure would be the same and didn'tinstruct the students to remove their phones. As a result, threestudents unknowingly brought their phones into the contest. Theonly student who didn't bring a phone had left it charging at thehotel after it ran out of battery.
I don't know why one student carried the phone with him instead ofputting it in the bag.l understand that's suspicious. But l tend tothink it's unintentional.


  1. 背景:中国队领队第一次带队,没经验; NOI 就是选手把手机放在包里,丢在赛场内的墙边上。
  2. 导致的问题:三个学生不知道,还有一个带在身上了(严重的嫌疑,虽然我们不认为其有不良动机);还有一个因为手机没电了才没有带。


  1. 领队是不是不专业细致的有点...
  2. 学生本来是无可指摘,但是有一个带在了身上...这就是瓜田李下
