
2024-09-05 10:52


Attack Aircraft: “Texas 17, Winder 61.”

JTAC: “Winder 61, proceed to Mazda block 13 to 14, be advised SA-8 active in target area, you are only aircraft on station, check in when able.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, copy, mission number AB2061, 2 by F/A-18 Hornet. 10 miles north of Mazda inbound from 200 to block 13 to 14, 4 by MK- 82 instantaneous and delay fuzing, and 450 rounds of 20 mm each. 35 minutes of PLAYTIME. AT FLIR, Cat II coordinate capable, VDL codes 4797 and 4457 respectively, TIMBER SWEET. ABORT code none.”

JTAC: “Texas 17, copy, advise when ready for SITREP.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, ready.” 82 each, instantaneous fuzing, 30-second separation, advise when ready for 9-line

JTAC: “Threat SA-8 active in target area and small arms. Enemy personnel are dug into fighting positions to the north. Friendlies are a company size infantry element collocated with Texas 17. We have gun position 3 active and in support, gun target line 040. Clearance will come from Texas 17. Weather is clear in the target area. Stay east of Mazda till IP inbound. Advise when ready for game plan.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, ready for game plan.”

JTAC: “Winder 61, this will be a Type 1 control, BOT, 2 by MK-82 each, instantaneous fuzing, 30-second separation, advise when ready for 9-line.”

Attack Aircraft: “Texas 17, Winder 61, ready.”


“Mazda, 270 Left, 12.1.”

“Elevation, 350 feet, Platoon of infantry dug in, CM 367 971.”

“White phosphorous, South 900, Egress left pull, back to Mazda, block 13-14. Advise when ready for remarks.”

Attack Aircraft: “Ready.”

JTAC: “Final attack heading 285-330. SA-8 north 1000 meters, continuous suppression, gun-target line 040, stay above 3000. Request IP inbound TOT 50.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, 350 feet, CM 367 971, final attack heading 285- 330, stay above 3000, TOT 50.”

JTAC: “Good readback, Winder 62 go with readback.”

Attack Aircraft Dash 2: “Winder 62, 350 feet, CM 367 971, final attack heading 285-330, stay above 3000, TOT 50.”

JTAC: “Good readback.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, IP inbound.”

JTAC: “Winder 61, CONTINUE.”

JTAC: “MARK on deck. Suppression effective.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, CONTACT.”

JTAC: “From the MARK, south 100”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, IN”

JTAC: “Winder 61, CLEARED HOT.”

Attack Aircraft: “Winder 61, two AWAY.”

Attack Aircraft dash 2: “Winder 62, contact lead’s hits IN.”

JTAC: “Winder 62, from lead’s hits, west 50, CLEARED HOT.”

Attack Aircraft dash 2: “Winder 62, two AWAY.”




P18 匙架 对空警戒雷达

SA75M Dvina 中程地空导弹系统

S125M1 Neva 系统

543部队 地空导弹二营传奇发射组


“雷达部队捕获目标! 标图板已更新!


设备舱! 配电舱! 火控舱! 雷达备便!

系统启动 系统实战状态!

无线电近炸标准! 四通道半前置导引设定!



六联齐射模式 开!


显示范围开 发射架随动开 导弹通电!


距离门开 火控雷达俯仰准备

光学通道开 广角开


预警雷达显示器开! 测算目标精确位置!




目标距离18公里 航路捷径7!

火控雷达方位预调节准备! 火控天线保险打开!



方位机开! 火控天线开!

调整火控雷达方位 探测到目标!

目标回波锁定失败! 重新调节!


方位好! 距离好! 导弹发射!

光电通道确定 起爆成功 命中目标

依高度计速度计 确认击落”