
2024-07-24 03:42


① T tttt t tttt ttt tt ttt tt tt t ttt tttt, tt tttt tt tt t ttt ttt.

② Tt ttt ttt, t ttt tt t ttttt tttt ttt tt ttt tt t ttt, tt ttt tt tt t tttt tttt.



① I tote a taut tie to tie it at a tea tote, et tout it to a tot too.
② To eat out, a tot et a tutee tote oat et tea to a tee, et ate it at a taut auto.



GitHub - mahavivo/english-dictionary: english dictionary database


def is_valid_word(word): valid_letters = set('aeiout') return word.isalpha() and all(letter.lower() in valid_letters for letter in word) # 读取文本文件 with open(r"D:\迅雷下载\english-dictionary-master\英汉大词典(第二版)\英汉大词典_del_ipa_edited.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = file.readlines() # 筛选出只含有 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 't' 的单词及其释义 valid_entries = [] for line in lines: entry = line.strip().split(' ⬄ ', 1) if len(entry) == 2: word, definition = entry if is_valid_word(word): valid_entries.append(line.strip()) # 去除重复的条目 valid_entries = list(set(valid_entries)) # 按单词字母顺序排序 valid_entries.sort(key=lambda x: x.split(' ⬄ ')[0].lower()) # 将结果写入新的文本文件 with open('filtered_entries_sorted.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write('\n'.join(valid_entries)) print(f"筛选完成。共找到 {len(valid_entries)} 个符合条件的单词及其释义。")


a ⬄ a<sup>2</sup> vaux. <口> <方> [用于虚拟语气, = have]:I'd a told you if I'd known. 要是我知道早就告诉你了。 A ⬄ abbr. 1.absolute ( temperature ) 2.[牌] ace 3.<美俚> acid ( 指迷幻药 LSD ) 4.against 5.adenine 6.A level 7.ammeter 8.ampere ( s ) 9.<美俚> amphetamine 10.anode 11.answer 12.area 13.( 用于$A或以前的£A中 ) Australian 14.Austria ( 国际车辆登记号 ) a ⬄ a<sup>3</sup> pron. <方> 1.他; 她; 它 2.他们; 她们; 它们 3.我 a ⬄ a<sup>5</sup> abbr. 1.[用于旅行时刻表] arrive 2.atto- 3.[用于日期前, ante- 之略] before a ⬄ a<sup>4</sup> a. <苏格兰> = all aa ⬄ aa<sup>2</sup> abbr. ana<sup>2</sup> aa ⬄ aa<sup>1</sup> n. [地] 块熔岩 AA ⬄ AA<sup>1</sup> abbr. 1.achievement age 2.ack-ack 3.air-to-air 4.Alcoholics Anonymous 5.antiaircraft 6.antiaircraft artillery 7.Associate in Arts 准文学士 ( 学位 ) 8.author's alteration ( s ) 作者的改动, 作者的校正 9.Automobile Association ( of Great Britain ) ( 英国 ) 汽车协会 AA ⬄ AA<sup>2</sup> AA型 ( 鞋的宽度型号, 较 A 型窄而较 AAA 型宽 ) aa ⬄ aa<sup>3</sup> a. <苏格兰> = all AAA ⬄ AAA<sup>1</sup> abbr. 1.Agricultural Adjustment Administration ( of the United States ) [史] ( 美国 ) 农业调整署 2.Amateur Athletic Association ( of Great Britain ) ( 英国 ) 业余体育协会 3.American Arbitration Association 美国仲裁协会 4.American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会 ◆ 亦读作 triple A AAA ⬄ AAA<sup>2</sup> AAA 型 ( 鞋的宽度型号,较 AA 型窄 ) AAAA ⬄ abbr. 1.Amateur Athletic Association of America 美国业余体育协会 2.American Association of Advertising Agencies 美国广告社协会 AAU ⬄ abbr. Amateur Athletic Union ( of the United States ) ( 美国 ) 业余体育联合会 AE ⬄ abbr. auto-exposure ae ⬄ a. <苏格兰> = one AEA ⬄ abbr. 1.Actors' Equity Association ( 美国 ) 演员协会 2.Atomic Energy Authority ( 英国 ) 原子能管理局 AEI ⬄ abbr. 1.American Enterprise Institute 美国企业研究所 2.Associated Electrical Industries ( 英国 ) 联和电气工业公司 ai ⬄ ( [复]ais ) n. [动] ( 产于南美洲和中美洲的 ) 三趾树懒 [Port < Tupi <拟此兽叫声] ai ⬄ int. [表示痛苦、惋惜或哀怜等]唉! AI ⬄ abbr. 1.<拉>ad interim 2.airborne intercept 机载截击 ( 雷达 ) 3.air interception 空中截击 4.Amnesty International 5.artificial insemination 6.artificial intelligence AIA ⬄ abbr. 1.American Institute of Architects 美国建筑师协会 2.Associate of the Institute of Actuaries ( 英国 ) 保险精算师协会准会员 AIAA ⬄ abbr. 1.Aircraft Industries Association of America 美国飞机工业协会 2.American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 美国航空和星际航行协会 AIEE ⬄ abbr. American Institute of Electrical Engineers 美国电机工程师协会 AIEEE ⬄ abbr. American Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 美国电机及电子工程师协会 AIIE ⬄ abbr. American Institute of Industrial Engineers 美国工业工程师协会 ait ⬄ n. <英方> ( 河流、湖泊中的 ) 小岛 AO ⬄ AO, a. o. abbr. 1.account of [会计]…账上 2.and others 和其他,等等 at ⬄ at<sup>2</sup> [单复同] n. 阿特 ( 老挝辅币单位;100 阿特 = 1kip ) [Siamese] At ⬄ [化]元素砹 ( astatine ) 的符号 AT ⬄ abbr. 1.air temperature 气温 2.alternative technology 3.ampere turn 4.antitank 5.appropriate technology 6.Atlantic Time at ⬄ at<sup>1</sup> prep. 1.( 指地点 ) 在…里;在…上;在…旁;靠近…:at No.10 Downing Street 在唐宁街 10 号 / at the top of a hill 在山顶 / sit at the window 坐在靠窗口的地方 / Our plane refuelled at London. 我们的飞机在伦敦加油。/ His sweater started to unravel at the cuffs. 他毛衣袖口已开始脱线。2.向,朝;以…为进攻目标:throw a bomb at sb. 向某人扔炸弹 / The dog barked at her. 狗朝她吠叫。/ He was talking at her rather than to her. 他不是在和她谈话,而是在冲着她说话。/ There were several thugs at him simultaneously. 有几个暴徒同时向他扑过去。/ He's been at me for her address in London. 他一直缠着我要她在伦敦的地址。3.在…时刻;在…期间;在…岁时:at noon 在中午 / at 7 o'clock 在 7 点钟 / at night 在夜间 / at New Year 在新年里 / retire at 60 在 60 岁退休 4.处在…状态:be at war ( a standstill ) 处于交战 ( 停顿 ) 状态 / The lake is at its most beautiful in the morning. 早晨湖景最美。/ The storm was at its worst. 暴风雨猛烈到了极点。5.以…的方式;[ at a ( 或 an ) ...] 通过一次…的动作:at a trot 以小快步 / He spoke at length. 他讲得很详尽。/ I was there at a bound. 我纵身一跃就到了那里。/ He downed the wine at a gulp. 他把酒一饮而尽。6.经过,经由:come in at the front door 从前门进来 / get in at the window 越窗而入 / Smoke came out at the chimney. 烟经过烟囱排出。7.从事于;忙于:be at work ( school ) 在工作 ( 上学 ) / I found him at his desk. 我发现他正伏案忙乎。/ They were already at the cornflakes when I entered the kitchen. 我走进厨房的时候,他们已在吃玉米片了。/ He is at an absorbing thriller and can't be disturbed. 他正在阅读一部引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。8.出席,参加:be at a meeting ( funeral, garden party ) 出席会议 ( 葬礼、游园会 ) 9.( 指价格、速度、数额、程度等 ) 以;达:The apples were sold at 6 pence a pound. 这苹果以每磅 6 便士的价格出售。/ at great speed 以高速 / I p that arm of the octopus at five feet. 我估计章鱼的那条腕长达 5 英尺。/ I was at 39° and had vomited twice. 我高烧发到 39 度,已呕吐了两次。/ We are flying at 16500 feet. 我们在 16500 英尺的高空飞行。10.因为,由于;作为对…的反应:I was uneasy at her silence. 我因她的沉默而不安。/ There was general disappointment at the false report. 对这失实的报道大家感到失望。/ At a sign from him, I went over. 一看到他示意,我走了过去。11.按照,根据;应:I rang him up at the number he had given me. 我按照他给我的号码给他打电话。/ at sb.'s request 应某人的要求 12.从;从相隔 ( 一段距离 ) 的地方:get the facts at their source 从事情的源头获得事实真相 / be visible at half a mile 从相距半英里的地方看得见 / I saw him at a distance. 我从远处望见他。13.在…方面:be good ( bad ) at chess ( 不 ) 擅长下棋 / He is a genius at mathematics. 他是数学方面的天才。➞ ✚ at it : 见 it ATA ⬄ abbr. 1.Air Transport Association ( of America ) ( 美国 ) 空运协会 2.Air Transport Auxiliary 辅助空运 ATE ⬄ abbr. automated test equipment 自动测试设备 ate ⬄ ate<sup>1</sup> eat的过去式 ate ⬄ ate<sup>2</sup> n. ( 致人毁灭的 ) 盲目冲动;无所顾忌的野心;极端愚蠢的行动 Ate ⬄ n. [希神]埃特 ( 惹人轻举妄动的女神,后被视为惩罚或复仇女神 ) Attu ⬄ 阿图岛[美国阿拉斯加州西南部] ( 阿留申群岛西端的小岩岛 ) ATTU ⬄ abbr. Asian Table Tennis Union 亚洲乒乓球联盟 ( 简称亚乒联 ) AU ⬄ AU<sup>2</sup> abbr. African Union AU ⬄ AU<sup>1</sup>, au. abbr. 1.angstrom unit 2.astronomical unit au ⬄ <法> 1.= to the 2.= in the 3.= with the ♢ 用于英语中常见的某些法语短语 ( 如 au courant, au revoir 德国 ) Au ⬄ [化]元素金 ( gold ) 的符号 [ < NL aurum] AUT ⬄ abbr. Association of University Teachers ( 英国 ) 大学教师协会 auto ⬄ auto<sup>2</sup> a. & n. <口> = automatic auto ⬄ auto<sup>1</sup> 〔Ⅰ〕 ( [复]autos ) n. <美口>汽车 〔Ⅱ〕 vi. <旧>乘汽车:auto through the mountains 乘汽车经过山区 [automobile 的缩略] EA ⬄ abbr. 1.educational age/[心]教育年龄 2.enemy aircraft/敌机 EAT ⬄ abbr. Tanzania(国际车辆登记号) eat ⬄ 〔Ⅰ〕(ate, eaten) ① vt. 1.吃;喝(汤等):He ate his sandwich and drank a glass of milk. 他吃了三明治并喝了一杯牛奶。 / ~ one's soup 喝汤 / No servants around the house, you'll have to ~ my cooking. 家里没雇仆人,你只得吃我煮的东西了。 / Tigers ~ meat. 虎食肉(为生)。 2.咬;蛀;侵蚀;腐蚀;吞噬:Termites have eaten the posts and ruined the fence. 白蚁蛀坏木柱,毁了栅栏。 / Waves ~ the cliffs. 海浪冲蚀悬崖。 / The mattock was eaten with rust. 鹤嘴锄锈蚀了。 / She was eaten with curiosity about him. 她对他好奇极了。 3.吃得使;耗完,毁坏:They were ~ing themselves into their graves. 他们吃喝过度,在自己找死。 / Locusts ate the country bare. 蝗虫把农作物啮吞一空。 4.啮食成,侵蚀成:Moths ate holes in my wool coat. 蠹虫把我的羊毛外衣蛀了几个洞。 5.<美口>烦扰,打扰:I wondered what was ~ing her. 我不知道她为什么烦恼。 6.收回,取消(决议、裁决等) 7.向…欢呼,向…喝彩:The Sunday Times would absolutely ~ this chap. 《星期日泰晤十报》肯定会为这家伙喝彩叫好。 8.急速驰完:The car ate the miles northwards. 汽车飞速向北驶去。 9.<俚><粗>对…行口交 10.<美俚>窝死(球)(指接球之后无法传出) ②vi. 1.吃饭;吃东西:We have eaten already. 我们已经吃过了。 2.吃起来感到:Crackers alone ~ very dry. 光吃饼干口很干。 / The beef ate surprisingly tender. 那牛肉吃上去嫩极了。 3.侵蚀;腐蚀:The acid has eaten through the metal. 酸已将金属蚀穿。 〔Ⅱ〕 n. [常作-s]<口>便餐,快餐;小吃:Let's go someplace where we can get some ~s. 我们到什么地方去弄点东西吃吃。 / Give him ~s. 给他些吃的。 / || ~ at 烦扰,困扰: / The heat ate at his legs. 炙热使他的腿很不好受。 / ~ away 1.侵蚀;消耗;逐渐毁掉:Rust was ~ing away the pipe. 锈腐蚀着管子。 / The river has been ~ing away its west bank. 河水侵蚀着西岸。 / Inflation has eaten away at the value of some of their assets. 通货膨胀使他们某些资产的价值下跌了。 2.痛快地吃,吃得心满意足:Eat away,children. 尽管吃吧,孩子们。 / She was ~ing away at sunflower seeds. 她正津津有味地嗑着葵花子儿。 3.烦扰(at):I never did understand what was ~ing away at her. 我始终不懂什么事在使她烦心。 / ~ crow 见crow<sup>1</sup> / ~ dirt 见dirt / ~ high on the hog 生活得好 / ~ humble pie 见humble pie / ~ into(或in) 侵蚀,腐蚀;开始消耗;吞噬: / The acid ate into the metal. 酸腐蚀着金属。 / The fear has eaten into my bones. 我感到极为恐惧。 / His extravagances ate into his inheritances. 他挥霍无度,使所得遗产日益减少。 / It ~s in him to stand idly by. 站在一旁无所事事,这使他很不好受。 ~ it<俚> 1.忍下,强咽下 2.<粗>行口交~ like a bird <口>吃得极少 ~like a horse<口>吃得特多~ of <古>吃掉…的一部分 / ~ one's head off 见head / ~ one's heart out 见heart / ~ one's terms 见term / ~ one's words 见word/ / ~ out 1.在饭店吃饭,不在家吃饭: / We usually ~ out on Sundays. 星期天我们通常下馆子吃饭。 2.锈坏:Rust has eaten out the gun barrel. 枪管已经锈坏了。 3.过度消耗(牧草等) 4.<俚>严厉责备:I guess he will be ~ing me out again./我猜他又要大骂我一顿了。~ out of sb.'s hand 见hand / ~ sb. out of house and home 见 house ~ sb.'s salt见 salt~ someone's dust 见dust / ~ stick 见stick / ~ the air 见air<sup>1</sup> / ~ the bread of 见 bread / ~ up 1.吃完;吞噬: / Eat up your dinner before it gets cold. 趁饭还没有凉,快把它吃了。 / She ate him up with her eyes. 她贪婪地望着他。 2.消耗;用完:~ up 6 percent of the budget 用去预算的6% / He ate up valuable mlnutes with long, dull answers. 他那些冗长无味的回答浪费了宝贵的时间。 / Extravagant spending ate up his savings. 他挥霍无度,把积蓄都花完了。 3.热切贪婪地吸收;对…极感兴趣,为…欢呼:She is ~ing up the course in algebra .她在如饥似渴地学习代数。 / He was all admiration and I ate it up. 他赞美不已,我颇为得意。 / London society simply ate him up. 伦敦上流社会为他喝彩叫绝。 4.缠住,吞没;困扰:be eaten up with pride (envy,anxiety) 骄傲(妒忌,焦虑)之极 / ~ oneself up on rumours 听信谣言而自寻烦恼 5.迅速行完(某段距离)~ well 1.(人、动物)胃口好 2.(东西)好吃,可口 / He(She,We,They) won't ~ you. 他(她,我们,他们)不会伤害你的(劝某人不要惊慌时的用语): / Don't be afraid. She vvon't ~ you. 别害怕,她不会吃掉你的。 I'II ~ my hat(或boots, head) if...(赌咒语)要是…就砍我的头。(或:决无… 这回事。) [<OE etan;与OHG ezzan to eat.L edere,Gr edmenai有关] eau ⬄ ([复]eaux)<法>n. 水 EAU ⬄ abbr. Uganda(国际车辆登记号) ee ⬄ int. 噫(即苏格兰地区的oh) EE ⬄ abbr. 1.Early English 2.electrical engineer 3.electrical engineering 4.=ee. ◇作2、3义用时,有时读作double E EEA ⬄ abbr. European Economic Area/欧洲经济区(成立于1994年的自由贸易区,其成员国包括欧盟各国及爱尔兰、挪威和列支敦士登) EEO ⬄ abbr. equal employment opportunity/均等就业机会 EO ⬄ abbr. executive order EOT ⬄ abbr. 1.end of tape[计]磁带尾标, 带终标记 2.end of transmission [电信]传输结索符 et ⬄ <法>conj. = and ET ⬄ abbr. 1.Eastern Time 2.Egypt 埃及(国际, 车辆登记号) 3.elapsed time 4.electrical transcription 5.emerging technology 新兴技术 6.ephemeris time 7.exponential time 8.extraterrestrial et ⬄ <拉> conj. = and Et ⬄ et<sup>1</sup> [化]乙基(ethyl)的符号 et ⬄ suf. [构成名词] 表示“…的人”, “做…者”: poet et. abbr. elapsed time ETA ⬄ 埃塔(西班牙巴斯克民族分裂组织) ETA<sup>2</sup> eta. abbr. estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间 eta ⬄ ([复]eta(s) <日> n. [常作-E] (旧时日本社会被列于士农工商之下的)贱民阶层; 贱民 eta n. 希腊语的第七个字母(读音相当于英语的a长音) etat ⬄ <法> n. 1.状况, 情况 2.地位; 等级; 职业 3.社会阶层 4.政府; 国家 [字面意义: state] ETO ⬄ abbr. European Theatre of Operations (第二次世界大战时的)欧洲战区 Etta ⬄ n. 埃塔(Henrietta 的昵称)(f.) ETU ⬄ abbr. etui ⬄ n. <旧>(放梳妆用具、针线、眼镜、剪刀等日用品的)小杂物盒 EU ⬄ abbr. European Union Eu ⬄ [化]元素铕(europium)的符号 I ⬄ I pron. 1.[主格]我:I am here 我在这里。 / He said, "I am here." 他说:“我在这里。” / He can run as fast as I. 他能跑得跟我一样快。 / You sing better than I. 你唱得比我好。 / He thought Richard was I. 他以为我就是理查德。 [口语中常用 me 代 I ]John and I were both there yesterday. 昨关我和约翰都在那里。 / I and John are to blame 是我和约翰的错。 [习惯上用John (或 you, he) and I, 不说 I and John (或 you, he), 但在承认错误等时往往先说 I ] 2.<非规范> [用作并列宾语中的第二项]我( = me):He says she saw you and I last night. 他说她昨晚看见过你和我。 / It belongs to my mother and I. 它属于母亲和我所有。 3.<方>[用作宾语, 表示强调] 我 (= me):Give poor I another chance. 再给我这个倒霉蛋一个机会。 II ([复]I's 或 Is) n. 1.自我; 自我意识; 极端利己的人:the other I 另一个自我 / The we should always precede the I. 集体总应先于个人。 / He is just a big I. 他是个十运的利己主义者。 2.[多加用引号] 我 (指用第一人称单数写的小说的叙述者):The "I, ' of the story describes himself as a Democrat. 故事中的“我" , 将自己描述为民主党人。 / the tendency for novelists to move away from the "I" kind of storytelling 小说家避免用第一人称“我”来叙述故事的倾向 ➞ ✚ I can catch (或I CAN CATCH) : <美俚>州际商务委员会(由 the Interstate Commerce Commission 的首字母缩合ICC化出的幽默用法) i ⬄ ([复]I's, i's 或 Is, is) 1.英语的第九个字母 2.字母I, i所表示的读音 3.字母I, i 的书面形式 4.I, i铅字(或图章等) 5.[I] I字形(物) 6.表示“第九”的符号:row I in a theatre 剧院中的第九排 7.表示课程未修完(incomplete)的符号; 未修完课程者 8.(罗马数字)I:VI 6 / page ii 第2页 9.[i][数] 虚数单位 10.[I][物] 电流 (electric current)的符号; 转动惯量, 惯性矩(moment of inertia)的符号 11.[I][化] 元素碘(iodine) 的符号 12.[I][解] 切牙, 门齿(incisor)的符号 13.[I][橄] I形进攻阵式( = I formation) 14.[I][逻] 特定的肯定命题 15.[I] Italy (国际车辆登记号) ➞ ✚ dot one's (或 the) i's and cross one's (或 the) t's : 对细节一丝不苟; 明晰地详述:He would dot his i's and cross his t's in letting his employees know what he expected of them. 他会详细地对职工讲明他对他们的要求。 I ⬄ abbr. 1.Idaho 2.<拉> Imperator 皇帝( = Emperor) 3.<拉> Imperatrix 女皇; 皇后( = Empress) 4.Independent 5.Indian 6.inosine 7.Intelligence 8.international 9.interstate 10.Island(s) 11.Isle(s) 12.isospin 13.Israel 14.Israeli ia ⬄ suf. [构成名词] 1.表示“病”, “症”: hydrophobia, pneumonia 2.表示“…属植物”: dahlia, fuchsia 3.表示“国”, “地区”, “社区”: India, Manchuria, suburbia IA ⬄ abbr. Iowa<sup>1</sup> Ia ⬄ abbr. Iowa IAA ⬄ abbr. indoleacetic acid IAEA ⬄ abbr. International Atomic Energy Agency (联合国)国际原子能机构 IATA ⬄ abbr. International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会 IAU ⬄ abbr. 1.International Association of Universities 国际大学协会 2.International Astronomical Union 国际天文协会 IE ⬄ abbr. 1.Indo-European 2.industrial engineer 工业工程师 3.industrial engineering IEA ⬄ abbr. 1.International Education Association 国际教育协会 2.International Energy Agency IEE ⬄ abbr. Institution of Electrical Engineers (美国)电机工程师协会 IEEE ⬄ abbr. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (美国)电机及电子工程师协会 II ⬄ abbr. illegal immigrant 非法移民 Io ⬄ n. 1.[希神]艾奥(Zeus爱恋的少女之一) 2.[天]木卫一 Io ⬄ [化]元素锾(ionium)的符号 iota ⬄ n. 1.希腊语的第九个字母(Ι,ι)(相当于英语的I,i) 2.[常用于否定句]极少量,一点儿,些微:It hasn't changed an iota. 它丝毫沟有改变。/ She hadn't an iota of proof. 她一点证据也沟有。/ I don't believe one iota of it. 对这件事我一点也不相信。/ She hasn't improved one iota. 她圭根儿没什么进。/ It would not benefit us one iota. 这不会对我们有任何好处。3.[天](星座中的)第九颗星 IOU ⬄ n. 1.借据:Write me an IOU for ten dollars and I'll give you ten dollars. 你给我写张10美元的借据,我就借给你10美元。2.债款;债务 IT ⬄ abbr. information technology it ⬄ 〔Ⅰ〕 pron. 1.[指无生命物、动物、植物,在性别不计或不详时也指人或婴孩]它,这,那:I took a quick glance at the house and noticed it was very old. 我瞥了那房子一眼,注意到它很古旧了。/ As soon as it had refuelled, the plane took off. 飞机加好燃料便立即起飞了。/ She went up to the cat and started stroking it. 她走上前去,开始抚措那猫。/ It was still a little boy when I left it didn't know me. 我走的时候孩子还小,不认得我。/ I don't know who it is. 我不知道那是谁。/ What a little haughty prude it is! 好一个目中无人又假装正经的小不点儿! 2.[指事物、群体、抽象观念、经验、活动等]它,这,那:They learn to speak English before they learn to write it. 他们先学讲英语,然后再学写英语。/ That wasn't where you had dinner, was it? 那不是你们曾经用餐的地方,对吗? / You're a damn good newsman, bug don't let it go to your head. 你是个顶尖的记者,不过可别因此而忘乎所以。/ He remembered she had told him about it. 他记得她是跟自己讲起过这件事的。/ If you remember these points it will help you. 记住这几点,对你们有帮助。/ How did we get to know each other? Well, it was like this. 你问我俩怎么认识的吗?嗯,事情是这样子的。/ It passed the bill over the governor's veto. 会议否定州长的否决,通过了议案。/ The football team is in top form and it is sure of victory. 足球队竟技状态极好,胜券在握。/ Since you don't like it, you don't have to go skiing. 你既然不喜欢滑雪,就不必去啦。3.[作无人称动词的主语,指天气、时间、距离或虚指情况等]:It's raining. 下雨了。/ It's 7 o'clock. 7点钟。/ It's Sunday tomorrow. 明天是星期天。/ It's time (that) we ended our work. 该是我们结束工作的时候了。/ It is sixty miles to the next station. 离下一站有60英里。/ It hurts. 疼呀。/ If it hadn't been for you, I don't know what I would have done. 要不是你,我真不知道会干出什么事来呢。4.[作先行代词,引导作为逻辑主语或宾语的从句或短语等]:It is difficult to learn written Chinese. 汉语很难学。/ It is absurd talking like that. 那样说是荒谬的。/ I know it's awful my coming here. 我知道自己来这儿是很杀风景的。/ It happened that they were away. 恰巧他们走开了。/ I found it necessary to continue. 我发现有必要继续下去。/ I take it (that) you didn't love your mother. 我认为并不爱你母亲。5.[作先行代词,用以构成强调句型]:It is Tommy that (或who) answered the telephone. 是汤米来接电话的。/ It is the drink that does it. 那是喝酒造成的。/ It's you (whom 或 that) I'm concerned about. 我所关心的是你。/ It was someone called Mary Jordan (whom 或 that) I was asking about. 我要打听的是个名叫玛丽.乔丹的人。/ It will be the poor countries whose populations will go hungry. 要忍饥挨饿的将是穷国的人民。6.[作某些动词或前置词的宾语,本身词义含糊,用以构成习语]:Confound it! 讨厌! / lush it up 喝个一醉方休 / Go it on your own! 自己动手干你的吧! / He decided to rough it on his vacation. 他决定简简单单过个假期算了。/ Rumor has it (that) he is going to leave town. 谣传他打算离开本城。/ You're asking for it. 你自找麻烦.(或:你自讨苦吃) / Make a run for it! Run! 快跑(或快逃)!快! 7.[加在某些临时用作动词的词之后,无实义,用以构成习语]:lord it over others 对人称王称霸 / We would hotel it when it was wet. 逢到雨天我们就找家旅馆住下。/ He likes to chef it now and then. 他就是喜訯不时在厨房烧烧弄弄。/ We can foot (bus, cab) it. 我们可以步行(乘公共汽车,坐出租汽车)去。8.[加在主语名词之后,起重复作用,常见于诗歌或非标准语言]:Our love it was stronger by far. 我们的爱情呀,远为强烈。/ The horse it ran away. 那马呀,跑掉了。9.<口>[常作表语,指重要或绝妙的人或物,或指达极限者]:That steak was really it. 那牛排确实棒极了。/ He really looked it in his new clothes. 他及了新衣服看上去真帅。/ For sheer cheek, you're it. 要说脸皮厚,谁也比不上你。10.[对小儿用语]你:Did it hurt its little knees and chin? 乖乖,小膝盖、小下巴摔疼了没有? 〔Ⅱ〕 n. 1.<口>性感;性交:a cutie with plenty of it 性感十足的尤物 / She wasn't one of those girls who are SA and IT. 她不是那种浑身散发性感的野姑娘。2.(捉迷藏等游戏的)捉人者,找人者,猜的人:They played hide-and-seek; Susan was "It" and the others scattered to hide. 他们玩捉迷藏,苏珊做"捉人者",其他人四下散开找地方躲起来。3.<美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋:You big it. 你这个大笨蛋。/ Anyone who says it doesn't matter is full of it. 谁说没关系,谁就是十足的大傻瓜。4.<英口><旧>意大利苦艾酒(常用于 gin and it) 〔Ⅲ〕 a. <方>它的 ➞ ✚ as it is (或was) : 见as<sup>1</sup> ✚ as it were : 见as<sup>1</sup> ✚ at it : <口>忙个不停,在工作,在从事某项活动:He is at it night and day. 他忙个没完。I caught him at it red-handed. 他正干得起劲,给我当场逮住了。 ✚ for it : <口> 1.必受惩罚;准备挨整;自讨苦吃:If father gets to know what you are doing, you'll be for it. 要是父亲知道你在干这种事,你就有苦头吃了。要是父亲知道你忧干这种事,你就有苦头吃了。2.[常与 jump, run, dash, swim 等动词连用]逃命:The boat overturned, and the occupants had to swim for it. 船翻了,船上的人只得游水逃命。3.应变,应急,适审:There was nothing for it but to give way. 已经无计可施,只好放弃了。4.赞成(建议、计划等) ✚ have it : 见 have ✚ in it : <口>[常用于否定句]有好处的,得益的;参与的;足以形成对抗的:I can't see what there was in it for Mrs. Plum. 我看不出这对着卢姆夫人有什么好处。/ They had a good time, but I was not in it. 他们玩得很痛快,可没我的份儿。/ A: Have you seen my fiancée's latest hat? B: Ascot ain't in it. 甲:你见到过我未婚妻最近新买的帽子吗? 乙:阿斯科特赛马会上女士们戴的漂亮帽子都没法和她的相比呢。 ✚ It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. : <美俚>活该如此.(常在某人被开除或受罚等后说) ✚ It shouldn't happen to a dog. : <美俚>即使是狗也不该遭这份罪。 ✚ It's you! : <口>这东西配你是再适合不过了! ✚ of it : [表示强调,多指生活、时间等]:a hard life of it 十分艰难的生活 / a tiring day of it 确实劳累的一整天 / an easy time of it 一段安逸日子 ✚ that's it : 见 that ✚ this is it : 见 this ✚ with it : <口> 1.时新的,时髦的(现常拼写作 with-it):She may be a grandmother, bug she's quite with it in the way she dresses. 她说不定已当老祖母了,可在衣着打扮方面还是挺时髦的。2.专心的,有头脑的,机灵的;知内情的:You don't seem with it today. 今天你脑瓜子似手有点不管用。3.巡回戏班(或马戏团)雇用的:He saw his chance to be 'with it' and grabbed the opportunity. 他看到有机会进巡回戏班子,就抓住这机会不放了。4.积极的,有兴趣的:He was warned to get with it or resign. 他受到警告,要就积极干,要就辞职。5.喜好爵士乐的;与摇摆舞迷交往密切的 6.还有,及:He's an unpleasant man - and cruel with it. 他举止粗俗-而且秉性残忍。 ITA ⬄ abbr. Initial Teaching Alphabet itaiitai ⬄ n. 镉中毒,痛痛病(背部有剧痛,1955年在日本首先发现) Iti ⬄ ([复]-ties) n. & a. = Eyetie ITO ⬄ abbr. International Trade Organization ITT ⬄ abbr. 1.insulin tolerance test 胰岛素凡量试验 2.International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (美国)国际电话电报公司(于1995年解体) ITU ⬄ abbr. 1.intensive therapy unit 重点治疗室 2.International Telecommunication(s) Union 3.International Typographical Union 国际活版印刷者联盟 IU ⬄ abbr. 1.immunizing unit 免疫单位 2.international unit(s) O ⬄ 〔Ⅰ〕 int. 1.啊 [在诗歌、祈祷中用于直接称呼前] :O mighty ocean! 呵, 大海啊! 2.唷, 哦, 哎呀, 唉 [表示惊讶、痛苦、烦恼、企求、欢欣等] : O Lord! 哎呀, 天哪! (现常用Oh, 但O后不用标点。Oh后用逗号或惊叹号) 3.啊 [用在民歌的句末] 〔Ⅱ〕 ([复] O's) n. "啊" (或 "唷"、 "哎呀"等) 的惊叹 ➞ O for 唉, 有…该多好啊:O for a horse-car to take me home! 唉, 有辆马车送我回家该多好呀! O ⬄ abbr. Old o ⬄ a abbr. on or about [军] 在…那天或其前后 oa ⬄ ([复] oafs或oaves) n. 1.痴儿; 蠢人 2.粗笨的人:The ~ stumbled over the bucket, spilling all the water. 那个笨手笨脚的人绊着木桶, 把水全给泼了。3.畸形儿 4.<废> (民间传说中用以偷换人间姣美小儿的) 低能 (或畸形) 小精灵 OAA ⬄ abbr. Old Age Assistance (美国) 老年补助 OAO ⬄ abbr. Orbiting Astronomical Observatory oat ⬄ n. 1.[植] 燕麦; 燕麦属植物 (尤指野燕麦) 2.[常作 ~ s] [用作单或复] 燕麦种子; 燕麦庄稼; 燕麦田:fields of wheat and ~s 小麦田和燕麦田 / The ~s are ready for harvesting. 燕麦可以收割了。/ (Oats is a crop grown mainly in cool climate. 燕麦是一种主要在气候凉爽地区种植的庄稼。3.<诗>麦笛; 田园诗, 牧歌 ➞ feel one's ~s / <美口> 1. 兴高采烈, 活泼欢跳 2. 自命不凡, 趾高气扬get one's ~s <英口> 性交, 过性生活 know one's ~s <口>消息灵通; 精通业务, 懂行:He really knows his ~s where skiing is concerned. 就滑雪而论, 他确实内行。/ off one's ~ s <口>胃口不好 sow one's (wild) ~ s 见 wild oat ➞ oatlike a. [<OE ate <?] OAU ⬄ abbr. Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织 Oe ⬄ abbr. oersted(s) OE ⬄ abbr. 1.Old English 2.omissions excepted 遗漏不在此限(常印在账单上) oe ⬄ n. [气]奥风(丹麦法罗群岛的旋风) OEO ⬄ abbr. Office of Economic Opportunity (美国)经济机会局 oi ⬄ int. <英口>[尤指用粗鲁的口气引起他人注意]喂(亦作oy) 〔Ⅱ〕 n. (流行于20世纪70-80年代的)刺耳朋克音乐 OIT ⬄ abbr. Office of International Trade (美国)国际贸易局 Oita ⬄ 大分[日本九州岛东北岸港市] oo ⬄ vt. [只用书写形式]细看,察看 oo ⬄ int. , n. & vi. = ooh OT ⬄ abbr. 1.occupational therapy(或therapist) 2.Old Testament 3.old tuberculin 旧结核菌素 4.overtime OTE ⬄ abbr. on-target earnings 预期收入(指基本工资加奖金和佣金等) OTT ⬄ abbr. over-the-top otto ⬄ n. = attar Otto ⬄ n. 奥托(m.) OU ⬄ abbr. 1.Open University 2.Oxford University oui ⬄ <法> 〔Ⅰ〕 ad. 是,是的 〔Ⅱ〕 ([复]ouis) n. 是,同意,赞成 out ⬄ 〔Ⅰ〕 ad. 1.出;向外;向室外:Get ~ at once. 马上出去。/ The lift doors opened and they stepped ~ into the empty foyer. 电梯门打开,他们走出来进入空无一人的大厅。/ They sent three fire engines ~. 他们派出3辆消防车。/ The water rushed ~. 水涌出。她打开一只盒子,取出一支香烟.He drew ~ all his savings. 他取出全部存款。/ pour ~ wine 倒酒 / She stared ~ at the train. 她朝外凝视列车。/ I just slipped ~ for a packet of fags. 我刚才溜出去买包香烟。/ Boys, come ~ and play. 孩子们,到外面来玩吧。2.在外;在室外;不在家;不在办公室(或工作单位):It was snowing ~, you'd better bring your raincoat with you. 外面正下雪,你最好把雨衣带着。/ board ~ 在外搭伙 / have an evening ~ 在外度过一个夜晚 / We don't go ~ much. 我们不常外出。3.离开城市;离开国家:I don't want to live any further ~. 我不想迁居到更远的地方去。/ go ~ to Africa 出国去非洲 4.离岸,向外海:They rowed ~ to the ship. 他们离岸划向那艘轮船。5.离开正常位置:He put ~ his shoulder at football practice. 他在练足球时肩膀脱了臼。6.出现;显露;问世:A rash came ~ on her arm. 她的手臂上发出皮疹。/ Their secret got ~. 他们的秘密泄露了。/ She has now brought ~ a second album. 现在她已录制了第二张唱片。7.在活动中:Riots broke ~. 发生暴乱。8.昏迷着;熟睡着:She passed ~ at the sight of blood. 她一看到血就昏过去了。/ He went ~ like a light. 他一下子就昏睡过去了。9.去掉:wash ~ the dirty marks 洗去污渍 / The graffiti were painted ~. 涂鸦被用油漆涂掉了。/ She brushed ~ the wrinkles in her dress. 她用刷子刷平连衫裙上的皱处。10.完全地;彻底地;从头至尾地;有效地:Please hear me ~. 请听我说完。/ argue it ~ 辩论个水落石出 / She had her cry ~. 她哭够了。/ Let little Tom have his sleep ~. 让小汤姆睡个够。/ wait until it dries ~ 等它干透 / work the problem ~ 解决这个问题 11.大声地,出声地:Read ~ the names. 把名字念出来。/ The bells rang ~. 钟声响起。/ She let ~ a shriek. 她尖叫一声。12.(租)出,(借)出;(挑)出:rent ~ rooms 出租房间 / She picked ~ a new coat. 她挑了一件新的外衣。13.向他人:hand ~ pamphlets 分发小册子 / Howard gives ~ drinks to all the guests. 霍华德向所有来宾送饮料。/ deal ~ cards 发牌 14.成开放状态:spread ~ the cloth 摊开布料 / She stretched herself ~ on the sofa. 她伸开手脚躺在沙发上。15.殆尽,至灭绝:The sugar's run ~. 糖已用完。/ Pump the well ~. 把井水抽干。/ The fire's gone ~. 火已熄灭。16.脱漏地:leave a word ~ 漏掉一个词 17.(花)盛开着:Spring flowers have come ~ earlier than usual this year. 今年春天花开得早。18.在罢工中:The longshoremen went ~ for higher wages. 码头工人开始罢工,要求增加工资。19.进入在野状态:vote sb. ~ 投票使某人落选下台 20.进入社交界:Lucinda had a fabulous party when she came ~. 露辛达进入社交界时举行了一次盛大的宴会。21.(陪审团退庭审议裁决时)不在庭上 22.<日>[用于最高级形容词后]迄今为止;存在着:the friendliest dog ~ 从未有过的最亲切温顺的狗 23.(拳击赛中)完(裁判员数到10时的用语) 24.[棒]出局 〔Ⅱ〕 a. 1.不可能的;不能接受的;不值得考虑的:She had hoped that he might become a doctor, but that was ~. 他曾经希望他能成为一个医生,但这是不可能了。/ These last two proposals seem definitely ~. 最后的这两项提议看来肯定是行不通了。2.不允许的,不准的:Smoking on duty is ~. 值班期间不准吸烟。3.不执政的,在野的;下台的:a member of the ~ party 在野党的一员 / The Republicans are ~, the Democrats in. 共和党下台,民主党上台。/ He was ~ because he was defeated in the election. 他在选举中被击败,下台了。4.不在家的;不在办公室(或工作单位)的;缺席的:The folks are ~ tonight. 家里人今天晚上不在家。/ The new student was ~ because of sickness. 那个新学生因病缺席。5.错误的,不准确的:He is badly ~ in his reckoning. 他计算严重失误。/ A: Over sixty-five, isn't she? B: You're quite ~ there! She's still under sixty-five. 甲:她已过65岁了吧?乙:你完全猜错了!她还不到65岁。/ My watch is two minutes ~. 我的表差了两分钟。6.(经济上)损失的,亏蚀的:I am ~ fifty dollars. 我损失了50美元。7.<日>不流行的,不时髦的,过时的:That sort of dress is ~ these days. 那种服装现在不时兴了。8.破的;穿得露底的: be ~ at the knees膝部破了 9.出故障的;失修的:The road is ~ beyond this point. 这条路过了这一段就不能通行了。/ The elevator is ~. 电梯坏了。10.(灯等)熄灭的:The fire has been ~ for hours. 火熄了好几个小时了。11.昏迷的:He was ~ for two hours. 他昏迷了两小时。/ Two drinks and he's usually ~. 他通常只要两杯酒落肚就烂醉如泥。12.耗尽的:Our supplies are completely ~. 我们贮存的物品已全部用完了。13.(花)盛开的;(植物)开花的;(鸡雏等)孵出的:The roses are just ~. 玫瑰花刚开。14.罢工的:We've been ~ for two and a half months. 我们已罢工两个半月之久。15.结束的,终了的:They had sold over a million copies before the year was ~. 他们在年终之前已售出100万册以上。16.缺少的,没有的:We had some but now we' re ~. 我们曾经有一些,但我们现在没有了。17.(由于久不练习而)不熟练的:His backhand is ~. 他的反手击球技术已荒疏了。18.超大的 19.得不到的;不多的:Mums are ~ till next fall. 菊花要到明年秋天再开了。20.关的:the ~ position on the dial 刻度盘上关的位置 21.外面的;外围的:the ~ surface of a ship's hull 船壳的外表面 / the ~ edge 外缘 22.往外去的;开往外地的:an ~ flight 飞往外地的班机 / There is a through train to Paris; it's due ~ at 8:50. 有一班开往巴黎的直达火车,定于8点50分开出。23.(比赛)在客方场地进行的,客场的 24.(棒球、垒球等中)出局的;(网球等中)(球)界外的:The ball was declared ~. 这个球被判为界外球。25.<美俚>吸引人的;跟上潮流的,时髦的 26.<美口>公开同性恋身份的 〔Ⅲ〕 n. 1.[常作 ~s]在野派;在野者 2.<主美>脱身之计,出路;推脱的借口:You've got only one ~, which is to lie like hell. 你只有信口胡说谎言连篇才能脱身。/ He always left himself an ~. 他总给自己留着出路。/ She didn't want to go, but she couldn't think of an ~. 她不想去,但想不出托辞。3.没有地位的人;无权的人 4.瑕疵;缺点 5.突出物(如突出的拐角) 6.外面;外部 7.外表:make a poor ~ of it 出洋相 8.脱销货:The packing list is noted for changes in quantities and ~s. 装箱单上注明货物数量和脱销货的变化情况。9.[~s]<英>付出款(尤指税款) 10.(英方)外出;短途旅游:take a late evening ~ 晚上很晚外出 / Us London lawyers don't often get an ~. 我们在伦敦当律师的不是经常有短途旅游机会的。11.[印]漏排;漏排的词 12.(棒球、垒球等中的)出局;出局者:tag ~ 触杀 13.(网球等中的)界外球 〔Ⅳ〕 ① vt. 1.驱逐,赶出:They did their best to ~ him. 他们竭尽全力把他撵走。2.使熄灭:Please ~ the fire. 请把火灭掉。3.<英俚>(拳击中)击倒,击昏 4.伸出:~ oars and pull hard 把桨伸出船外用力划 5.(在板球等中)使(击球员)出局;淘汰 6.<口>揭露(名人等)的同性恋身份 ② vi. 1.出去;出来;作短途旅游 2.暴露;公布;成为人所共知:The truth will ~. 真相终将大白。3.(网球等中)打球出界:That tall player ~ed and lost the game. 那个高个子选手把球打出界,输了那场球。〔Ⅴ〕 prep. 1.从…里面:I could see ~ the window. 我可以望到窗外。/ run ~ the door 跑出门去 2.<口>沿着…的路线:Let's drive ~ the old parkway. 我们沿着这条熟悉的林荫道驶下去吧。3.[通常用在from之后](诗)从…中出来:From ~ the woods came a melody. 从树林中传过来一首乐曲。〔Ⅵ〕 int. 1.走开,滚蛋 2.通话完毕(无线电通话用语) 3.<古>[表示愤怒、斥责、厌恶等]呸,可耻:Out upon you! 呸! ➞ ✚ all ~ : 见all ✚ at (the) ~s (with sb.) : = on the ~s (with sb.) ✚ be ~ for : 一心谋求,力图获得:I am not ~ for power. 我并不追求权势。/ She is ~ for blood. 她想杀人。 ✚ from ~ to ~ : 从一端到另一端:the width of the building from ~ to ~ 建筑物两端间的宽度 ✚ have it ~ (with sb.) : 见have ✚ ins and ~s : 见in ✚ on the ~s (with sb.) : <美口>(与某人)不和,(与某人)关系不好:She is on the ~s with a childhood buddy. 她和一个童年时的好友闹翻了。/ Are you two on the ~s? 你们俩是不是吵架了? ✚ ~ and about : (尤指病人在病愈后)能够外出走动:MrWhite had a bad cold about a week ago, and he is ~ and about this morning. 怀特先生大约一星期以前患重感冒,今天早晨他能够出来走走了。 ✚ ~ and away : 远远地,大大地:She's ~ and away the cleverest girl in our class. 她绝对是我们班上最优秀的学生。~ and home 1.往返,来回 2.(体育比赛等)轮流在客场和主场举行的 ✚ ~ and ~ : 完全的(地),彻头彻尾的(地),不折不扣的(地):She knows English ~ and ~. 她精通英语。 ✚ ~ cold : <口>失去知觉的(地),昏迷的(地):The stone hit Jack in the head and knocked him ~ cold for several minutes. 石头击中了杰克的头,把他打昏了好几分钟。/ I don't remember her leaving. I was ~ cold. 我不记得她什么时候离开的;那时我失去知觉了。 ✚ ~ for : 想,渴望:She was ~ for a good time. 她想开心地玩一次。 ✚ ~ from under : <口>脱离困境(尤指经济上的困境),脱离危难:The bankrupt tried to get ~ from under but he couldn't make it. 那个破产者试图摆脱困难,但没有成功。~ of 1.从…里面:take a piece of chalk ~ of the box 从盒子里拿出一枝粉笔 / walk ~ of the room 从房间里面走出 2.从…中;从…身上:We don't get great pleasure ~ of it. 我们没有从中得到多大的乐趣。/ in nine cases ~ of ten 十之八九 / You won't get any sympathy ~ of him. 你怎么也得不到他的同情。3.离开,脱离:Fish cannot live ~ of water. 鱼离了水就不能活。/ In another year he will be ~ of the army. 他再过一年将离开军队。/ The patient is not yet ~ of danger. 那病人尚未脱离危险。4.缺乏,没有:We are ~ of sugar. 我们的糖用完了。/ I quickly explained that my car was ~ of gasoline. 我赶忙解释说我车上的汽油耗尽了。5.在(或越出)…之外:John walked ~ of hearing. 约翰走远了,叫不应了。/ The eagle soared ~ of sight. 雄鹰翱翔,飞得无影无踪。6.丧失;放弃:cheat sb. ~ of his money 骗走某人的钱 / The policeman talked the man ~ of jumping from the top of the building. 警察说服那男子不要从屋顶上跳下来。7.来自;出生于:And you think the murderer was someone ~ of her past? 你认为凶手是她旧日的某一熟人吗? / a colt ~ of a good dam 一匹强壮母马生出的小马驹 8.用…(制成):We make many things ~ of bamboo. 我们用竹子做成许多东西。/ a small basket formed ~ of wire 用铁丝编成的小篮 9.由于,出于:I said this ~ of kindness. 我说这句话出于好意。/ The new law came ~ of Government's concern over rising house prices. 由于政府对房价上升的关注而产生了这项新法案。10.从事…;依靠…的收入(为生):make a living ~ of teaching 以教书为生 11.被淘汰,失去参赛资格 ~ of it <口> 1.没(被邀)加入的,不知情的,在局外的;(因未被邀而)闷闷不乐的,感到向隅的:Mary felt ~ of it as she watched the others set out on picnic. 当玛丽看到别人出发去野餐时,因自己未被邀参加而感到难过。2.<英>神志不清醒的;酒醉的;深度迷醉的 3.<美>头脑不清楚的,糊涂的 4.不熟悉情况的;背时的,不合潮流的:He's a nice guy, but he's ~ of it. 他是个不错的小伙子,但有点背时。5.淘汰的:If our team loses two more games, we'll be ~ of it. 如果我队再输两场,我们将被淘汰。~ on one's feet <美> 1.(拳击手等被打得)晕头转向但未倒下 2.筋疲力尽 ✚ ~ to do sth. : 决心做某事,力图做某事:You might feel that they're ~ to use your house as a free hotel. 你可能感到他们一心想把你的住房当作不用花钱的旅馆使用。 ✚ ~ to it : (澳口)沉睡的;无知觉的 ~ with 1.说出;拿出:Out with your suspicions! 把你的怀疑都说出来! / He ~s with his money. 他把钱拿了出来。2.赶出(尤指讨人嫌者):Out with him! 把他赶出去! 3.与…不和:If you are ~ with him. then I shall not visit him. 如果你和他有疙瘩的话,那我就不去看他了。 ✚ ~ with it : 说出来,想什么说什么:You're worrying about something. aren't you? Come on, ~ with it! 你在为什么事发愁,是吗?得了,说出来好啦! ✚ Out you go! : 出去! outa ⬄ prep. = outta outeat ⬄ (-ate,-eaten) vt. 吃得比…多 outta ⬄ prep. <非规范> = out of T ⬄ T, t ([复]T's, t's 或 TS, ts ) 1.英语的第二十个字母 2.字母T, t所表示的读音 3.字母 T, t的书面形式 4.T, t铅字(或图章等) 5.[T]T字形(物), 丁字形(物):a T-joint 工形(三通)接头 6.表示“第二十”(或“第十九”如I或J省略不算)的符号 7.[T][物]动能(kinetic energy)的符号 8.[T][化]同位素氚(tritium)的符号 9.[T][美橄]T字进攻阵形( = T formation) 10.[T]绝对温度 (absolute temperature)的符号 11.[T]时期(period)的符号 12.[T]十八开本(octodecimo)的 13.[t][统](频数或频率)分布(distribution) 的符号 14.(中世纪罗马数字)160 ➞ ✚ cross one's (或the) t's : 1.划字母t的横线 2.对细节一丝不苟; 明晰地详述 ✚ cross the T : (旧时舰队、舰只)在(敌舰)正前方航线成直角拦截 ✚ dot one's (或 the) i's and cross one's (或 the) t's : 见 I, i ✚ to a T (或t) : <口> 1.精确地, 毫厘不爽地; 恰好:That job suited me to a T. 那活儿对我再合适没有了。 / She fits the role to a T. 她担任这个角色极其合适。 2.极其典型地:That's her to a T. 那活脱脱就是她(这人做的事)啊。 t ⬄ abbr. 1.ton(s) 2.troy T ⬄ abbr. 1.(surface) tension 2.Technician 3.temperature 4.tera- 5.tesla(s) 6.Thailand (国际车辆登记号) 7.thymine 8.time 9.time of firing (或launching)(火箭等的)发射时间 10.time of passing perihelion[天]过近日点时刻 11.time reversal TA ⬄ TA<sup>3</sup> abbr. 1.Territorial Army 2.therapeutic abortion 3.toxin-antitoxin 毒素-抗毒素 4.transactional analysis 5.Transit Authority (美国)高速运输管理局 TA ⬄ TA<sup>2</sup> n. <美俚>色情表演 [tit<sup>4</sup>与ass<sup>2</sup>的首字母缩合] TA ⬄ TA<sup>1</sup> n. (大学)助教(教职):appoint several TAs to grade papers for the professors 指定几名助教替教授批阅试卷 [teaching assistant的首字母缩合] Ta ⬄ [化]元素钽(tantalum)的符号 ta ⬄ <英口> 〔Ⅰ〕 int. 谢谢! 〔Ⅱ〕 n. 谢谢:He didn't even say a ta. 他连谢谢也没说。 [儿语] TAA ⬄ abbr. Technical Assistance Administration (联合国)技术援助管理处 taata ⬄ n. <东非英语>(儿语)爸爸 Tai ⬄ n. & a. = Thai TAI ⬄ abbr. 1.Thai Airways International 泰国国际航空公司 2.<法>Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux (法国)洲际航空运输公司 tai ⬄ [单复同] n. [鱼]鲷 [Jap] Tao ⬄ n. 1.(道家学说中的)道 2.[常作t-](儒家学说中的)道 tat ⬄ tat<sup>2</sup> n. <英口> 1.衣衫褴褛(的人); 破烂(的东西); 不整洁(的人或物) 2.(尤指头发的)纠结的一团 [tatty<sup>1</sup>的逆构] tat ⬄ tat<sup>3</sup> <方> 〔Ⅰ〕 (tatted; tatting) vt. & vi. 轻碰, 轻拍 〔Ⅱ〕 n. 轻击 ➞ ✚ tit for tat : 见tit<sup>2</sup> [? tap<sup>1</sup> 的变体] TAT ⬄ abbr. thematic apperception test tat ⬄ tat<sup>1</sup> (tatted; tatting) vt. & vi. 梭织, 用梭织法编织 [? tatting的逆构] tat ⬄ tat<sup>4</sup> n. (用黄麻织成的)粗袋布 [Hind] tat ⬄ tat<sup>5</sup> n. (印度产的)矮种马 [tattoo<sup>3</sup>的缩略] tatou ⬄ n. [动]犰狳(尤指大犰狳) [< Tupi, Guarani tatu] tatt ⬄ n. = tat<sup>5</sup> tattie ⬄ n. <苏格兰><方>马铃薯, 土豆 [potato 的指小缩略] tattoo ⬄ tatoo<sup>3</sup> ([复]-toos) n. (印度产的)矮种马 tattoo ⬄ tatoo<sup>2</sup> 〔Ⅰ〕 ([复]-toos) n. 1.[军]归营号(用击鼓或吹号表示, 昔时夜间用以命令士兵归营):beat (sound) the tattoo 击鼓(吹号)召唤归营 2.连续有节奏的敲击:My heart beat a tattoo on my ribs. 我的心卜通卜通地撞击着胸腔。 / the tattoo of rain on a roof 雨点的连续敲击 3.<主英>(作为夜间娱乐活动的)野外军事演习 〔Ⅱ〕 ① vt. 连续有节奏地敲击:heels tattooing the sidewalk 得得得地敲击着人行道的靴跟 ② vi. 作连续有节奏的敲击:tattoo on the door 笃笃驾地敲门 tattoo ⬄ tatoo<sup>1</sup> 〔Ⅰ〕 vt. (在人体上)刺青; 刺花纹于(人体):tattoo a flag on sb.'s chest 在某人胸部刺上一面旗 / He wants to have his arms tattooed. 他要人给他双臂刺花纹。 〔Ⅱ〕 ([复]-toos) n. 1.文身花纹 2.文身; 剌青 ➞ tattooer, tattooist n. [ < Tahitian tatu] tau ⬄ n. 1.希腊语的第十九个字母(T, τ) (相当于英语的T, t) 2.[核]τ介子(亦作tau meson) 3.= tav 4.(如在希伯来语中的)最后一个字母; (英语中的)z 5.T形物(或记号) 6.= tau cross 7.300 [ L < Gr < Sem; 见 TAV ] taut ⬄ taut<sup>1</sup> a. 1.(绳子)拉紧的; (神经、气氛等)紧张的; (肌肉等)不松弛的; (说话声调等)不自然的:a taut string (wire) 绷紧的弦(铁丝) / Her nerves are rather taut. 她神经很紧张。 / His mother looked taut and anxious. 他的母亲神色紧张, 焦躁不安。 / a taut smile 强笑 2.整洁的; (船)秩序井然的; 纪律良好的 3.严格的; 严厉的:be in taut control of oneself 严格自制 4.(音乐、文学作品等)结构严谨的; 紧凑的, 简洁的:a taut story 结构严谨的故事 ➞ tautly ad. tautness n. taut ⬄ taut<sup>3</sup> n. (用黄麻织成的)粗袋布 [Hind] taut ⬄ taut<sup>2</sup> vt. <苏格兰>使缠结, 使缠在一起 [?] TE ⬄ abbr. 1.table of equipment 设备表 2.trailing edge te ⬄ n. [音] 1.固定唱名法时之B音 2.首调唱名法时任何大音阶之第七音 [si的变体] Te ⬄ [化]元素蹄(tellurium)的符号 tea ⬄ 〔Ⅰ〕 n. 1.[植]茶 2.茶叶:This tea draws well. 这茶叶经得起冲泡。 / This tea will not draw any more. 这茶叶不能再冲泡了。 3.茶(指饮料); 一杯茶:make (the) tea 沏茶 / drink (或 take) tea 喝茶 / make a pot of tea 沏一壶茶 / the first infusion of tea 头泡茶 / strong (weak) tea 浓(淡)茶 / Have a cup of tea, please. 请喝一杯茶。 / The tea was made and poured, hot and strong. 茶泡好之后斟出, 又烫又浓。 / Two teas, please. 请来两杯茶。 / He offered (或 served) tea to a visitor. 他给客人倒茶。 4.茶剂, 浸剂 5.早茶(通常在起身前 6.= afternoon tea 7.= high tea 8.茶会:I'm in rather a hurry because I have to go out to tea. 我很急, 因为要去赴茶会。 9.<美俚> = marijuana 〔Ⅱ〕 ① vt. 给…沏茶; 以茶招待; 以茶点招待 ② vi. 喝茶; 进茶点 ➞ ✚ cup of tea : 见cup ✚ for all the tea in China : <口>[常用于否定句]无论如何(都):I wouldn't go back to that job for all the tea in China. 我无论如何不会回去干那个工作了! ✚ go (out) for one's tea : <北爱尔兰><俚>去参加可能会丧命的战斗 ✚ take tea with sb. : <口> 1.与某人打交道 2.与某人狭路相逢; 与某人发生冲突 ✚ tea sympathy : <口>对不幸者的安慰与同情 ✚ teaed up : <美俚> 1.中大麻毒的, 迷幻的 2.喝醉的 teat ⬄ n. 1.(人、动物的)乳头 2.(奶瓶上的)橡皮奶头 3.(机械部件上的)突部, 凸缘 tee ⬄ tee<sup>3</sup> n. (塔顶的)伞状顶饰 tee ⬄ tee<sup>2</sup> 〔Ⅰ〕 n. 1.[高尔夫]球座; 发球区 2.[美橄](发定位球前放置球的)球垫 3.(少年棒球中放置球的)球座 〔Ⅱ〕 [高尔夫] ① vt. 把(球)置于球座上 ② vi. 置球于球座上, 准备发球 ➞ ✚ tee off : 1.(从高尔夫球球座)发球, 开球:Which of us should tee off first? 我们中该谁先发球? 2.<口>开始:They teed off the fund-raising campaign with a dinner. 他们以宴会开始募捐运动。 3.责骂; 猛烈抨击:He teed off on his son for wrecking the car. 他因儿子损坏了那辆汽车而骂他。 / The governor tee doff on his opponent's speech. 州长猛烈抨击对手的讲话。 4.[常用被动语态]<口>使生气, 使发火:Iwas really teed off when she kept on being so rude to me. 她对我老是这样无礼, 我真的生气了。 / Is that why you teed off at me? 那是你向我发火的原因吗? ✚ tee up : 1.[高尔夫]把(球)置于球座上:First you tee the ball up, then you can tee off. 你首先把球放在球座上, 然后便可发球。 2.<口>安排, 准备:Has it all been teed up? 一切都已准备好了吗? [?] tee ⬄ tee<sup>4</sup> n. <美口> = T-shirt tee ⬄ tee<sup>1</sup> 〔Ⅰ〕 n. 1.(英语字母) T, t 2.T字形物; T形管; T形钢 3.(冰上溜石、套圈等游戏中有待击中或套中的)目标 〔Ⅱ〕 a. T字形的 ➞ ✚ to a tee : 见T tet ⬄ n. = teth Tet ⬄ n. (越南的)春节 TEU ⬄ abbr. twentyfoot equivalent unit 标准箱(系集装箱运量统计单位, 以长20英尺的集装箱为标准) Ti ⬄ [化] 元素钛 (titanium)的符号 ti ⬄ n. = te [变体] ti ⬄ n. [植] 铁树, 朱蕉 [Polynesian] TIA abbr. transient isch (a)emic attack [医] 短暂性脑缺血发作 tie ⬄ 〔Ⅰ〕 (tying 或 tieing) ① vt. 1.(用带、绳、线等)系, 缚, 栓, 捆, 扎:~ a label onto the handle of a suitcase 把标签系在衣箱提手上 / ~ a horse to a tree 把马拴在树上 / The package came ~d with a red ribbon. 包裹来了, 是用一根红丝带捆扎的。2.把 (带子等)打结; 打 (结):~ one's shoelace 系鞋带 / ~ one's necktie 打领带 / ~ the ribbon in (to) a bow 把锻带打成蝴蝶结 / ~ a knot in a piece of string 在绳子上打结 3.系紧...的带子, 扎牢...的带子; 系上:~ one's shoes 系紧鞋带 / ~ an apron (on) 系上围裙 4.扎制:~ a wreath 扎花圈 / ~ a fishing fly (在钓鱼件上)扎制假蝇 5.连接; 联合; 使有关联; <口> 使结为夫妻:~ the addition into the older building 使增建部分与旧楼相连 / be ~d by common interests 由共同利益结合在一起 / Study ~s smoking to many diseases. 据研究, 抽烟与许多疾病有关。/ Rumour ~d the scar, which ran the length of his face, to a knifing. 传闻他那条齐脸长的疤是被刀砍的。6.束缚, 约束; 限制, 局限; (援助国)对 (外援)附加条件 (尤指规定用外援购物限于援助国):be ~d to household chores 被家务事束缚 / be ~d to one's job by a contract 因订有合同不能离职 / About 80 percent of school budgets are ~d to salaries and benefits. 学校预算中的约 80 % 必须用于支付薪金和福利。7.与...打成平局; 与...势均力敌; 使 (比分、选票等)相等; <美口> 提出与...相当之事:The home team ~d the visitors. 主队与客队打成平局。/ Our team is ~d for first place. 我队得并列第一。/ The score was ~d six-to-six. 比分为 6 比 6 平。/ Tie that for a disaster. 那简直是一场灾难。/ Can you ~ that? (或 Tie that!) 竟有这等事! (常用于表示惊异) 8.用系材 (或系梁)连接; 在...之间置系梁 9.用轨枕固定 (铁轨); 给 (铁路线)铺设轨枕 10.[音] 用连结线连接 (音符) ② vi. 1.被用带 (或绳等)系住 (或缚牢):My dress ~s at the back. 我的这件连衣语是在后面用带结缚的。2.打结; 能打结:a rope too heavy to ~ 一根重得不能打结的绳子 3.连接; 结合 4.打成平局; 势均力敌; 得相等比分 (或选票等):The two teams ~d. 两队赛成平局。/ They ~d for first place in the examination. 他们在考试中并列第一。/ The candidates ~d in the straw poll. 这几位候选人在测验民意的假投票中所得选票相等。〔Ⅱ〕 n. 1.(系物、捆扎等用的)带, 绳, 线; 鞋带 2.饰结 (如蝴蝶结等); 结 3.领带 (= necktie) 4.蝴蝶结领结; [~s] 系带浅口鞋 5.纽带; 联系; 关系:family ~s 家族关系 / ~s of blood 血缘关系 / a child's emotional ~ to his parents 孩子对父母的亲情 / establish political and trade ~s with 与...建立政治与贸易关系 6.束缚; 牵累:legal ~s 法律约束 / Young children can be a ~. 幼儿有时会成为牵累。7.(比赛等的)等分, 平局; (选票等的)同数:The game ended in a scoreless ~. 比赛以零比零终局。/ an 8-to-8 ~ vote 8 票对 8 票的等票选举 8.系材; 系梁 9.<美> 轨枕, 枕木 10.[音] 连结线 11.<英> 淘汰赛 ➞ ✚ fit to be ~d : <口> 十分恼火 ✚ hit the ~s : <美俚> 沿铁路徒步旅行 ✚ play (或 shoot, run) off a ~ : 平局后再赛以决胜负 ✚ ride and ~ : 见 ride ~ down 1.系住; 栓住:~ a dog down 把狗栓住 2.限制, 约束; 束缚; 箝制, 牵制:be ~d down in bed 被迫卧床 / be ~d down to a schedule 受时间表的限制 / Young children do ~ a woman down. 幼儿确实会使一个妇女受到束缚。/ ~ the enemy down with gunfire 用炮火牵制敌人 ~ in 1.(使)连接起来; (使)连在一起:~ a generating station in with a power system 把发电站与供电系统连接起来 / This line ~s in with the main circuit. 这条电线是通主要电路的。2.(使)配合得当, (使)协调; (与...)相一致:The illustrations were cleverly ~d in with the text. 插图与文本配合得十分巧妙。/ This witness's information doesn't ~ in with the facts. 这个证人所提供的情况与事实不符。3.(使)有联系; (使)有关联:The teacher ~d in what he said with last week's lesson. 教师把讲课内容与上星期的课结合起来。/ an intriguing theory that droughts ~ in with the sunspot cycle 一个关于干旱与太阳黑子活动周期有关的令人感兴趣的理论 4.<美> 搭卖 (商品):Their advertised bargains are usually ~d in with some product that is very much in demand. 他们广告上的便宜货通常与市面上的某种抢手货